My Notes
Productivity, DevOps, Email, Kubernetes, Programming, Python, Mongo DB, macOS, REST, RDBMS, Powershell, SCM, Unix Tools,Software Configuration Management
Git is the main version control system I am using currently.
Configuration commands are:
git config --global
git config --global
git config --global --list
Here the log to show all the branches
git log --oneline --all --graph --decorate
configure alias global level
git config --global alias.lg "log --oneline --all --graph --decorate"
To see the commit history
git reflog
Set the push limited only to the current branch:
git config --global push.default simple
List all the master branches:
git branch -a
Rename a file:
git mv index.html home.htm
Delete the file:
git rm index.html
Push only the tags:
git push --tags
Fetch without merging:
# currently in the master branch
git fetch
git checkout orign/master
git checkout master
git merge origin/master
git pull --rebase
After commit and push if need to revert back due to the mistakes, follow the following command with SHA1
git revert <SHA1>
However, with the git lg above will show the history of the revert and the mistake.
To get rid of the last two commits:
- completely throw away including files:
- files back to the staging area from commit:
- default will blow away the commits, remove the files from the staging area but leave the files:
git reset HEAD~2
if you need to get back the git reset --hard HEAD~2
back use the SHA as follows
git reset --hard <SHA>
How to insert multiple commits:
# add new file
touch test.html
git add .
git commit -m "Add the test html file"
Now one way to insert SHA from another branch is cherry-pick as explained. The second way is (check the commit history if there is no new branch but recovering pervious commit and select that SHA)
# based on your SHA
# then create a new branch from that
git checkout SHA
#from the above checkout branch create a tmp branch
git checkout -b tmp
#now you can check with the "git lg", you will see new branch
#now rebase against master
git rebase master
Interactive rebase last 5 commits:
git rebase -i HEAD~5
find the commit from log message:
git log --all --grep='prepare release 1.0.12'
find all the branches where commit is available:
git branch -r --contains 833187d69f6a776b715ddb5c0a1806d06e8159cb
#if need to checkout the commit
git checkout 833187d69f6a776b715ddb5c0a1806d06e8159cb
(alias#git_alias) Some important alias to ~/.gitconfig :
show-last-commit = !sh -c 'git log $1@{1}..$1@{0} "$@"'
del-tag = !sh -c 'git tag -d $1 && git push origin :$1' -
del-branch = !sh -c 'git branch -d $1 && git push origin :$1' -
pt = !sh -c 'git tag $1 && git push origin $1' -
the git new
command shows the latest commit. I used this to find the change id for gerrit specially. The commands git dt <tag name>
and git db <branch name>
respectively delete the tag and the branch. if need to tag and push that tag with one command use: git pt <tag name>
to show the log
git config --global alias.grog 'log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --all --format=format:"%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(dim white) - %an%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n %C(white)%s%C(reset)"'
Show the short status
git config --global alias.shorty 'status --short --branch'
Amend the forget files after add
git config --global alias.commend 'commit --amend --no-edit'
Here the short cut review command for the Gerrit:
review = !sh -c 'git push origin HEAD:refs/for/develop%topic=$1,r=Easthope.Michael' -
Store password
Store Gerrit password in local workspace
Instead of type password each time when you push or pull from the gerrit, you can store the password permanently:
git config credential.helper store
Then issue the command and provide the password first time. Then after git will never ask the password until you unset as follows
git config --unset credential.helper
Only once you have to do this.
Abort merge
In the new git,
git merge --abort
cherry pick
Apply one commit to another branch. Say you have a commit in the WORK branch and you need to bring this commit to the DEVE branch. First move to the DEVE branch. Then see the tree;
git checkout DEVE
git log -n10 --oneline --graph WORK
* 95d21d6 Changed the driver.
* a238007 release-1.42.0 - Resolved
* ...
Then select the commit hash from the tree graph. Say commit hash is 95d21d6
git cherry-pick 95d21d6
Now check the cherry pick has been applied ?
git log -n10 --oneline --graph DEVE
* 5e7ee1a Changed the driver.
* 9607ea0 Merge branch 'DEVE...
* ...
Although commit has changed, from the comment you can find that changes are applied. For example, change commit 9607ea0 is the commit before the cherry pick. To diff
git diff 9607ea0..HEAD
git diff 9607ea0..HEAD --name-only
if you need to find the detail of the branch differences
git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative develop..release-1.42.3-develop
If you need to revert the cherry-pick due to the merge confilicts
git reset --merge
Here the important information such as references and tutorials.
topic | Link |
Merge and Rebase | |
Before commit for the review, Gerrit need to be enable for review. The change-id has to be attached with each and every commit. Two steps to follow
- Make the hook
curl -Lo ABCID/.git/hooks/commit-msg http://<user>@<gerrit server>/gerrit/tools/hooks/commit-msg
- make the hook executable
chmod +x .git/hooks/commit-msg
Now you are ready to do the first commit in the Gerrit.
Gerrit is based on Git server, but support more features such as review because there is embedded workflow in the Gerrit.
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/<target branch>%topic=<topic to show in the dashboard>,r=<reviewer>
is the review command to run in Git prompt.