My Notes

Productivity, DevOps, Email, Kubernetes, Programming, Python, Mongo DB, macOS, REST, RDBMS, Powershell, SCM, Unix Tools,

Notes on REST

Richardson Maturity Model

  1. Level 0: Swamp of POX
    • Use HTTP to tunnel through. Ex: SOAP, XML-RPC
    • Usually use HTTP POST
  2. Level 1: Resources
    • Multiple URIs to distinguish releated nouns. Ex: /person/1
  3. Level 2: HTTP Verbs
    • Leverage transport-native properties to enhance service.
    • Use idimatic HTTP controls like status codes and headers
  4. Level 3: Hypermedia Controls (HATEOAS)
    • No a prior knowledge of service required. Navigation is provided by service and hypermodia controls.
    • Promotes longevity through a uniform interface.

For more information, visit Richardson Maturity Model.