My Notes
Productivity, DevOps, Email, Kubernetes, Programming, Python, Mongo DB, macOS, REST, RDBMS, Powershell, SCM, Unix Tools,MongoDB
How to tunnel to mongo db using ssh:
ssh -L 27017:localhost:27017 <user name>@<host>
Here the important pattern of query collection.
Basic Queries from MongDb University
Array find all
db.getCollection('movieDetails').find({genres: {$all: ['Comedy', 'Crime', 'Drama']}})
"_id" : "Ojitha",
"name" : "Ojitha Hewa",
"addresses" : [
"street" : "321 Fake Street",
"city" : "Epping",
"state" : "NSW",
"zip" : "2121"
"street" : "5 Waterloo Rd",
"city" : "Marsfield",
"state" : "NSW",
"zip" : "2120"
//elemMatch example
$elemMatch:{"state":"NSW",'zip':'2121', "street" : "321 Fake Street"}
Query to find duplicates
{$group : {
_id : {un:{userName: '$userName'},
count : {$sum : 1}
{$match: {
count : {$gt: 1}
Here the way to insert array elements:
{testing: {test1: "test1", test2:"test2"}}
//result is
"testing" : [
"test1" : "test1",
"test2" : "test2"
Above same thing can be achieve through the
{testing: {$each : [
{test1: "test1", test2:"test2"}
Add new values without overwriting:
{testing: {$each : [
{test3: "test3", test4:"test4"}
], $slice: 2}}
//result is
"testing" : [
"test1" : "test1",
"test2" : "test2"
"test3" : "test3",
"test4" : "test4"
But if you want to push to the front of the array:
{testing: {$each : [
{test5: "test5", test6:"test6"}
], $position:0, $slice: 2}}
//result is
"testing" : [
"test5" : "test5",
"test6" : "test6"
"test1" : "test1",
"test2" : "test2"
Here the query to update the multiple documents, multi: true
{$and: [ {userNId: {$exists: true}},
{$or: [
{accType:'Facebook'}, {accType:'Google'}, {accType:'Twitter'}
{$unset: {userNId: ''}},
{multi: true}
In the above query, userNId has been removed from all the documents where userNId exist and accType is Facebook, Google or Twitter.
$and: [ {userNId: {$exists: false}},
{$or: [
{accType:'Facebook'}, {accType:'Google'}, {accType:'Twitter'}
Above query shows you the changes have done in the above multi update query.
Mongo Replica
screen -d -m -S mongo-rs1 mongod --port 27017 --dbpath ~/mongo/data-rs1 --replSet rs0 --smallfiles --oplogSize 128 --logpath ~/mongo/logs/mongo-rs1.log
screen -d -m -S mongo-rs2 mongod --port 27018 --dbpath ~/mongo/data-rs2 --replSet rs0 --smallfiles --oplogSize 128 --logpath ~/mongo/logs/mongo-rs2.log
screen -d -m -S mongo-rs3 mongod --port 27019 --dbpath ~/mongo/data-rs3 --replSet rs0 --smallfiles --oplogSize 128 --logpath ~/mongo/logs/mongo-rs3.log
Date offset for Australia:
It is important to find the proper date based on the offset in the mongo, for example consider the following dates ISODate(“2016-08-31T03:49:13.857Z”) <—> ISODate(“2016-08-31T13:49:13.857Z”)
#to get the AU morning
var auDate = ISODate("2016-08-31T13:49:13.857Z")
isoDate = new Date(date - (+600 * 60000))
#to get the AU date
var date = ISODate("2016-08-31T03:49:13.857Z")
auDate = new Date(date - (-600 * 60000))
For example, beginning of the day
var date = ISODate("2016-08-31T00:00:00.000Z")
new Date(date - (+600 * 60000))
# ISODate("2016-08-30T14:00:00Z")
Run the following code to get the current Date and time
var date = new Date()
or run
var date = new ISODate()
Mongoldb oplog time stamp query
var date = new ISODate()
ts: {$gt : date}, ns: 'OrdersTest.Orderlines',
$or: [ {op:'i'}, {op: 'u'}]
Find the docs who has a field
It is sometimes important to find the all users who has particular key
db.getCollection(<collection>).find({<target-field>:{$exists: true}})
####Update field of array for example, Person document has addresses field and it is is an array of addresses: street is the first element. To convert all the street names to uppercase:
for ( i = 0; i < e.addresses.length ;i++){
//save to the collection
Update with the $pull:
{'_id':{$in: ['20161019,42121,2','20161109,39661,2','20161019,38036,2', '583ba80a09edaa2fc0d8ba61,1', '20161017,29051,9,cp']}},
{$pull: {orderlineItems: {'fees.typeName':'test'}}},
{multi: true}
How to dump the backup and restore from the remote mong server ? Here you have to follow the three steps
- First create a tunnel to the remote mongo server
ssh -L 27018:<remote server>:27017 <username>@<remote server>
Here the port 27018 fro the local machine. This port is map to the
dump the collection to the directory
/usr/bin/mongodump --host localhost --port 27018 -u <mongodb user name> -p <mongodb password> -d <database> -c <mongo collection> -o <directory>
as shown in the above you have to provide the remote mongo server username/password, datatbase and the collection.
Now restore the backup
/usr/bin/mongorestore --host --port 27017 --db <database> --drop <directory>/user-admin
backup and restore is completed.
Find the type of the field
Here the way to find the type of the field in the mongodb
db.users.find({userName:'oj_1'}).forEach( function(e) { return print(typeof(e.password)); } );