We have alrady explain Website hosted as a container. In this post explained how to host flask web application.

Suppose your main python application, Dockerfile, Runfile and requirments.txt in the same folder.

tree <folder>

For example suppose you need to create Flask application, the your requriements.txt:


The Runfile to run the flask

web: flask run --host

The main application is:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello, Ojitha!'

Here the Dockerfile:

FROM python:3.8.5
RUN pip install flask
COPY app.py .
CMD ["flask", "run", "--host", ""]

We are using the python version 3.8.5 image. The app working directory in the container is src. In addition to that expose port 5000.

build the image:

docker build -t localhost:5001/ojflaskimage .

Now run the docker container

ocker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name=ojflaskapp localhost:5001/ojflaskimage

now test with

curl http://localhost:5000