Binary search in Python
Binary Search is one of the most fundamental algorithm.
I explain the procedural and functional way of binary search algorithm.
Binary sarch can be run only on sorted list (line# 17). The running time of the binary search is \(O(\log{}n)\), for more information, see Algorithm Analysis.
def bs(list, s):
l =0 # low boundry
h = len(list) - 1 # high boundary
while (h >= l):
m = (l+h) // 2 #calculate middle
guess = list[m]
if (guess == s):
return m
if (s > guess):
l = m + 1
h = m -1
return None
# Test to run
list = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
result = bs(list, 0)
If you follow the functional programming, here the recursive founction
def bsf(list,s,l,h):
m = (l+h) // 2
guess = list[m]
while(h >= l): #if not found this will fail
if (guess == s):
return m # found
# not found, find a either side of the list
if (s > guess):
return bsf(list,s,m+1,h) # right side of the list
return bsf(list,s,l,m-1) # left side of the list
return None
# Test to run
list = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
result = bsf(list,2,0,len(list))